As the kids get older, they seem to enjoy Super Bowl Sunday more and more. This year their was a little family rivalty between J and D, G and I. We 3 wanted the Steelers to win and J wanted the Packers to win. In reality, I didn't care who won, but got suckered into the rivalty. We always make our favorite junk food and a dessert and veg out in front of the TV as a family. I love the commercials and the kids always look forward to the halftime show.

G could not hold a straight face. She kept smiling and giggling at her brother.

The dessert they picked out this year. We all had black teeth from the icing.

Our spread of homemade pizza, taquitos, and veggies. So yummy!

Trouble even got a special treat for the day! He was so excited D didn't even have to tell him to "say please." He started howling "please" when he smelled it!
Love to all,
J and gang