Well after a crazy whirldwind PCS, we are finally starting to get settled here in Minot, ND. I wish I knew where to begin, so much has happened the past few months.. I guess I will go back to May/June. We stared getting our things together and organized, or as much as one can for a military move, the last few weeks of May. We had decided to move out of our house by the end of May. We weren't due to arrive in Minot until 13 June. The kids were all packed and sent off on their six week summer vacation with their grandparents in North Carolina, while the hubby and I handled the packers/movers, and settled into TLF on base in Albuquerque.
However, the night before we were set to head to Minot, I got some devastating news. My dad, Ken, had passed away back in Texas, unexpectedly. So the hubby and I detoured from Albq to TX, to be with my mom and N and the rest of the family. Those two weeks in Texas were very emotional. It hurts my heart thinking about what my mom is going through day to day, as I write this. It is still so unreal. I know that God needed a strong leader to build those streets of gold, and I know that Ken is up there overseeing that process!
After spending two weeks with mom, we
had to head to Minot, we couldn't put it off any longer. The hubby had to report in and we had to see about getting matched to a house. (Which is awesome)! I spent about 10 days here with D and Trouble, then my sister flew in from Dallas, and she and I drove back to Texas together. Of course, making numerous pit stops along the way! We were Thelma and Louise out on an adventure! The kiddos then flew into Dallas a few days after we arrived, and then we spent three weeks down there with family before we headed back to Minot. Leaving the second time was so much harder than the first. I don't think I stopped crying for at least 100 miles. Goodbyes stink!

So now we are back to the present. I have been unpacking, sorting, and arranging our household goods. D tried to do some of it while I was gone but his schedule has been a little hectic. I have finished a few rooms but still have quite a bit to accomplish. Plus get the kids registered for school, extra curricular activities, and all that goes into getting them back into school. We decided to stop homeschooling, after much discussion and prayer. I was blessed to do it for three years, but feel God is leading our family in another direction. I hope to get back to blogging and adding info and pictures of what is going on in our family.
Love to all,
J and gang